Testimonials ~ Family and Personal Protection Dogs

David, Kelly and Samuel Personal Protection Dog Testimonial

Riley - Family Protection Dog

David Kelly Samuel Personal Protection Dog

Dear Charles & Gaynor

We have just got Riley his booster and annual health check and thought it was about time we updated you on how he is doing. Riley has filled out since you last saw him. The vet thinks he is a fantastic example of the breed and his coat is superb.

Riley settled in extremely quickly and we were able to ‘free run’ him within days as his recall is very good. He walks like a lamb for Samuel and the elderly ladies who live near us always joke that Sam has been training him again. Riley loves going places now and whereas he was nervous of travelling when we took him home, now he cannot wait and jumps in of his own accord and is very vocal as he is so excited! Riley’s favourite place is the woods as he can seek out fox dens!

He is fantastic with children and goes to school with Samuel every morning, where he soaks in all the fuss, sitting proud as can be. Any strange child (to Riley) can just walk into our house and he will greet them with a wagging tail, anyone else though and he will bark and rush to the door.

Riley is such a sociable dog and we are very glad to have him. He is a perfect pet for Sam, accepts customers/staff at the unit but still has a protective nature. He is always with people and loves the attention. Having Riley is like having another child as he is so playful and cheeky! When he’s told off, he sighs and throws himself on the floor. My sister thinks this is hilarious.

You know, to this day, we are still amazed how Sam was when he first saw the dogs to how he is now. His teachers say having Riley has given Sam so much more confidence. You may be surprised yourself when we tell you Riley even accepts the bunnies - they sniff him and he just sniffs them back!

All the best

David, Kelly & Samuel

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