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Gary Attwood
Dear Charles and Gaynor,
We recently brought Chico form A1K9.
Just a note letting you know how he is going on, Chico is the best dog that we have ever owned in the forty three years that we have been married. He gets on with Jess and Pipa the labs like he was brought up with them. He can be very comical at times in the way he reacts with the labs they don’t have a chance of keeping up with him. And talk about his speed when he gets going he caught a hare that had come onto the back lawns the other night the lawns are 200 yards long.
And what a cracking family pet he is now that he has settled down. The gardener’s got a bit worried when he arrived, but he soon sorted them out they love him like the family do. We took him to the vets for his jabs the vet said that he had never seen such a good healthy dog.
Our best regards
Gary and Wendy Attwood