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Ken Mullholland
It’s a dog’s life!
Holly lording (or is it ladying) it up in her new abode with gentleman friend Jasper waiting to be chaperoned to the local Heath for a bit of fun & frolicking. They do have a good life don”t they.
Holly, what can I say! She is smart, mischievous (in small enjoyable doses), loving, cuddly, friendly, obedient (most of the time), protective (sorry territorial) and great to have around. She”s given Jasper, the old boy a new lease of life & can”t fail to put a smile on your face.
The main reason for this doggy heaven is that we listened to what Charles & Gaynor had to say & put to one side our own preconceptions of owning & introducing another dog to our household. I wanted a scary alpha male dog & came back with a slick, feminine bitch that will put the wind up anyone who might want to trespass our space / property etc, but gets on with our dog & has effortlessly & seamlessly fitted into our family life.
I take my hat off to Charles, Gaynor & all at A1K9 (a special thank you to Michelle who trained Holly) they certainly know their business, it”s been a pleasure. Plus you also get to spend a couple of great weekends down in the Valley”s!
Regards Ken