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Family and personal protection dogs testimonials

Cherralyn & Chris Williams

Thankyou so much for taking us on for an intensive dog training course with our 13 month old German Shepherd dog “Starr”. I bought Starr soon after losing my father and my last two Gsd’s and then proceeded to spoil him rotten giving him lots of love but little discipline. It was not long before he was getting completely out of control, however thanks to your time and patience it is now a pleasure to take him for a walk where previously it was a task. I now believe a trained dog is a happy dog and for the time and effort that you put into Starr.

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Craig Barnes

Just a quick line to say we have had Kim home for four weeks now, from her intensive obediance training with you at A1-K9. With Richard being her appointed trainer, and Kath left holding the lead, (so to speak). My wife Denise, could not believe it last week when he walked past our house and the door was open (I was saying farewell to some guests), Kim sat in the stay and never moved or growled and let him walk right up to our front door. Before A1-K9 she would have been going beserk and having to be physically restrained.

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Dave H

Axel is full of energy when we are out & about and we have a lot of fun. We practice obedience with him every day and have also done some protection scenarios (with some help from Jim), he has certainly shown that he will stand his ground and protect us and our home should the need ever arise. As a family pet he is bonding with us more now and he is very tolerant of Jessie Honey (our 2-year old) hugging and kissing him, he even sits beside her and plays at tea-party games!

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David & Linda Walker 

“We really feel you do offer the ultimate complete service and would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to all concerned, in our opinion you fulfilled the number one rule of business”

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James & Andrea Kreitman

Charles Wall at A1K9 is like no other dog specialist. He went out of his way to meet our family and help us decided from his many fantastic dogs which one would be best suited to our family. Toby was an obvious choice.

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Lai & Angela Man

From day one “KAZ” has been a delight and settled into family like a duck to water. He’s such a loveable and playful dog but at the same time, protective of his new surroundings. We can’t believe how well behaved he is, both in the family home and in the business premise.

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Lawrence Slavin

I just wanted to say thank you for supplying Ben to us. He has quickly settled down, and is a much loved member of the family (cat excluded)!
Since the incident that my family and I endured earlier this year, we have spent a lot of money on security gates, remote panic buttons, and CCTV.

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Michelle Dwyer

Sam our dog is the best thing to come in our lives, we love him as much as we love each other, he is a perfect family pet and member, and also the best protection we could ever have.

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Mr & Mrs Rowntree

The dog we have bought is very loving and very stable. He has also shown on the training field that he is a very capable defender. We all sleep safer at night and enjoy our walks in remote countryside with renewed confidence that we are all much safer. A1K9 has provided exactly what they said they would.

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Paul Coleman

“I decided I needed a deterrent that would make intruders think twice, I approached Charles and Gaynor at A1K9 and they recommended Oscar. Oscar is a Bullmastiff, he weighs around eleven stone and is very powerful, he isn’t the brightest dog in the world but his obedience work is such that even my ten-year-old son can exercise and feed him in a controlled manner.”

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Phillip & Helen Gutteridge

As a Family we wanted a well trained dog that could be welcomed into our home as a friend, that can protect us in the event that one or more of the family fell victim to violent crime – or the serious threat. What we received was red carpet treatment at a personal level accompanied by an in depth approach to our requirements. Following this, a number of dogs were short-listed as being suitable in temperament and capability

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Chris W

“Just wanted to send you an update as we have now had sufficient time to let Honey settle in and give you some honest feedback. Due to moving to a remote rural location we as a family wanted to step up the security as our current dog (a Rhodesian Ridgeback) had very little guarding instinct.

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“I can’t believe that on the 6th July this year we will have had Izzo 4 years (where has the time gone ?) So I feel that is more than enough time for an accurate and honest view of life with an A1K9.”

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A1K9 Protection Dogs
Ian and Nicky D

“He makes sure when there is any potential threat that he puts himself between the threat and his family. Henk has given my family peace of mind and our lives back.”

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A1K9 Protection Dogs
Gary Attwood

“We recently brought Chico form A1K9. Just a note letting you know how he is going on, Chico is the best dog that we have ever owned in the forty-three years that we have been married.”

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A1K9 Protection Dogs
Nigel Mansell OBE

“It is always a pleasure to work with fellow professionals and thank you for your input and understanding in training Geisha.”

With best wishes, Nigel Mansell OBE

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A1K9 Protection Dogs
Tim Rolfe

“The first dog that you chose to show me was Bak and from the first time I saw him I knew he was the dog for me. Bak was one of your more expensive dogs but the time spent on his training was immediately evident from the first demonstration.”

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A1K9 Protection Dogs
Paul Raymond

“You can be assured that I would be delighted to recommend you to your prospective new clients. Please do not hesitate to refer them to me by either phone or email as a reference to your services.”

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A1K9 Protection Dogs
Jeff Bonser

Chairman, Walsall FC

“He has filled such a gap in our lives; our house is now a home again and we have the added knowledge that if we felt threatened in any way he would deter anyone from harming us.”

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Dave Clark

“Words can’t explain – anyone thinking of a protection dog will be a fool to go anywhere else The service provided is second to none, A1K9 personal protection dog suppliers and more.”

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Judi D

“We are extremely lucky that we have so many wonderful possessions, but none as precious as our great friend & protector Aran.”

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Deb Curran

“Zeus and Polly will be much better now you guys have trained them. Once again a BIG thank you to a most professional team. We would recommend these to anyone and everyone.”

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A1K9 Family Protection Dog Engie
Caroline M

“She has definite radar for dodgy people and they get the death stare from her until they have passed by. She has become my shadow regardless of what else is going on in the house. I am beginning to get my life back.”

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Drew Family
David and Clare Drew

“Breguet is a pleasure to take anywhere, he is a real ambassador for A1K9 and our training business Homeward Hounds in Essex.”

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Larry Protection Dog

“Larry is an exceptional dog, he has settled in extremely well. He is very chilled out and loves having a fuss made of him.”

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Previously Sold Dogs Ziggy
Janine D

“A long time in coming but a huge thank you and an update on our amazing dog Ziggy purchased from you in 2011. He is the most amazing dog ever, he is my girls best friend and my companion. Best regards to you all there and keep up the good work.”

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A1K9 Trained Family Protection Dog George
Family Protection Dog

“A year and a half later we are so happy with him. The children are very comfortable with him, and he is with them, and he is very patient with them even when they are being naughty around him.”

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A1K9 Trained Family Protection Dog Gabe

“Gabe, the dog I purchased, is a credit to the breed, the training and is a credit to your company. Gabe has impeccable manners, has a super temperament and the required aggression if needed. Quite simply the best German Shepherd I have ever owned.”

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Nigel B Personal Protection Dog
Nigel B

“Sorry it’s taken me so long to write to you. Mack has settled into his new home and rules the place. He’s taken to a spot near the back door and protects at all cost!”

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Louise F Personal Protection Dog
Louise F

“Your dogs are fabulous and a credit to you all. I only wish we had a bigger house so we could have 3 or 4 more!”

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Phil and Sharon Personal Protection Dog
Phil and Sharon P

“Hi Charles & Gaynor, thought it was about time we let you know how Harry was doing and send a few pics. He is a fantastic protector and does not leave my side whenever I am out walking him.”

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David Kelly Samuel Personal Protection Dog
David, Kelly & Samuel

“Riley is such a sociable dog and we are very glad to have him. He is a perfect pet for Sam, accepts customers/staff at the unit but still has a protective nature.”

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A1K9 Protection Dogs
Mike M

“Cezar has given us a real sense of security and has proved to be a formidable force when strangers approach the house. I would not hesitate to recommend Charles and Gaynor at A1K9 to anyone looking for a protection dog.”

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A1K9 Protection Dogs
Becky P

“Elsa is settling in nicely and has become a lovely house dog. I feel really safe with her in the house. Kevin has come home in the middle of the night a couple of times, after nights out and she is very wary until she knows who it is.”

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A1K9 Protection Dogs
Mimi and Paul

“You soon realise that these are professional people who are passionate about matching client needs with the right dog. Sara is testimony to that.”

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A1K9 Protection Dogs
The Connolly Family

“We would like to thank you so much for the excellent service we received from you and all at A1K9. From my initial telephone call to you, I knew I was dealing with a very competent professional person.”

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A1K9 Protection Dogs
Fredrik and Family (Spain)

“We have had Naro since May 2009 and he is a loyal, perfectly safe dog around any child and fully capable of defending us if needed. I must say that I 100% trust Charles’ judgment picking out a suitable dog for any family with kids.”

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A1K9 Protection Dogs
Julie R-M

“I can’t tell you just what a joy it is to have such an obedient, quiet and calm dog. I would not hesitate to recommend a1k9 to anybody who is looking for either a personal protection dog or simply for an obedient pet.”

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A1K9 Protection Dogs
Carol-Anne Whitelaw

“The next thing he did was save me from a knife-wielding mugger, I was walking him around the field at 1 am, came across 4 teenagers, the one at the front of the group pulled a knife and demanded my purse.”

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Zak Previously Sold German Shepard
Tracey S

“Zak has become my best friend, whilst protecting me and my autistic child through a difficult time what which would have been a nightmare without him.”

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A1K9 Protection Dogs
Sam Matthews

“What a perfect dog! He has settled into our home much better than I think anybody could have expected. With the children being so young I was worried about how he would be around them. He is brilliant!”

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A1K9 Protection Dogs
Gordon C

“Ronnie has become (just as we wanted) a bold protector of the home and people who call at the house are left in no doubt that he is around as he loudly announces their presence.”

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A1K9 Protection Dogs
David and Kathy N

“Joker is doing great, he is settling in fine and we absolutely love him to bits, he is wonderful. Once again Charles thank you and of course Gaynor so much for selling us Joker, he is our best friend and already a much-valued part of the family.”

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A1K9 Protection Dogs
Louise and Roger Wooley

“Just thought I’d drop you a line to let you know how Sheba, now ‘Shaza’ is getting on. Apart from being a total stunner, of course, she is brilliant all round. I feel safe for the first time in a long time and don’t worry about leaving the property unattended anymore, so much so, I would never be without an A1K9 PP dog.”

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A1K9 Protection Dogs
Lisa De Roode

“A1K9 provided me with the perfect solution, a Personal Protection dog. Arro is so loyal he never leaves my side, he goes virtually everywhere with me. You would never know he was there as he is the perfect gentleman, but he gives me complete peace of mind at all time, no more sleeping with one eye open, I now leave that to him.”

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A1K9 Protection Dogs
BW (Costa Del Sol)

“Our quality of life has so improved after Giro joined the family, we have nothing but praise for Charles and the staff at A1K9 and do not hesitate to recommend them.”

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A1K9 Protection Dogs
Tony & Caroline Wedgwood

Just to let you know that Aragon has settled in very well, as you can see from the pictures. It was a well worth a trip to Wales, to come and see Aragon and to have a look at your training complex, we were very impressed with you and your team and the way you conduct yourselves.

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A1K9 Protection Dogs
Barbara & Brian Franks

“Just thought we’d like to let you know that Deuce has settled in amazingly well. He’s such a good boy it feels like he’s been with us forever.”

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A1K9 Protection Dogs
Andrew Gibson

“I just want you to know that Boss has settled in so well and everybody loves him. I am fully confident in him looking after me, my family and staff, it’s as if I’ve had him years.”

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Andy Beale

“Dudley has been Exactly what you said be would be and much more. All the best Andy and Lesley.”

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A1K9 Protection Dogs
Dr Ali

“Thank you so much for bringing Zeus into my life. He has settled in wonderfully and is a joy to have. Thank you once again.”

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A1K9 Protection Dogs
Richard & Marion Fox

“Max has settled in perfectly, as you said he would. Many thanks in helping us find the right dog, we will certainly recommend A1K9 to our friends.”

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A1K9 Protection Dogs
Donna Stein

“About 1 week after we brought Sirius home, we need his skills. We were walking down a country road and a car stopped and the passenger window wound down and the next thing Sirius leapt in through the window. Just at that moment I saw Surrey Police on the side of the car and shouted “friends”. With that Sirius backed off and started licking the startled hand.”

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A1K9 Protection Dogs
Jeanette Flemming

“Just a quick note to let you know how Max is getting on with us. He has settled in so well it’s hard to believe we’ve only had him just over 3 weeks. He is such a lovely dog and we couldn’t be more pleased with him.”

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A1K9 Protection Dogs
Stephanie & Colin Gottlieb

“This time last year I would definitely not have considered a German Shepherd. We would not and could not be without him. He is highly intelligent and sensitive and has had a huge impact on our family. Sam is loved dearly and treated like one of our children. Sam is the best thing we have ever bought.”

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A1K9 Protection Dogs
Carol & Dennis Gardener

“Thank you both for making us all very welcome in your lovely facilities and we all learnt so much from you both and your staff in the two weekends we spent with you. We will always treasure Sam and he will be with us for the rest of his days.”

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A1K9 Protection Dogs
Sallie Maclaine

“I reckon buying Zak was the best money I have spent for a very long time, not only has he helped Roger but he has helped me get through the last year. Many thanks for matching us with Zak.”

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A1K9 Protection Dogs
Kim Sloane

“To anyone who needs a testimonial, I hope this gives you the impression that Charles and Gaynor are the genuine articles. I wouldn’t trust any other training facility to give me the kind of support I received, and when I return to the States and need another dog, I’m calling A1K9.”

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A1K9 Protection Dogs
Christine & Stephen Bond

“Rocco is everything you said he would be and more. He has fitted in with our family, he is great with the boys, full of fun and proving to be a very loyal companion. He has the patience of a saint.”

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A1K9 Protection Dogs
Steve and Natasha

“We are always being stopped by people when we are out walking to tell us what a lovely dog we have and how nice natured he is. After losing Zeus we thought we could never love a dog as much again but Tyson has won our hearts and is an integral part of our family, we are over the moon with him!! Thanks again for finding us such a great dog for a second time.”

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We'd be delighted to chat through your requirements and to answer any questions you may have.